Opportunity Snapshot
- Country: India
- Industry: Food, Beverages, Tabacco
- Stage: Start-up
- Investment size: $50,000 / min. $50,000
- ROI: 50% in 3 years
- Type of investment: Debt
Investment Opportunity
The project began by setting up an in-house R&D Laboratory for the development and standardization of bakery products, such as toast or rusk, pasty, biscuits etc.
The proposed project will manufacture these products, because of huge demand for these products on the Indian market, as well as availability of technology. Know how, raw materials & cheap labour. The potential demand for these products is very high during the winter season & potentially during the autumn season. The potential demand for such products is also very high in the market itself.
The project began by setting up an inhouse R & D Laboratory for the development and standardization of bakery products, such as toast or rusk, pasty, biscuits etc.
Constitutions: The promoter of this project is a young & generous person, who has good experience with such types of business, as he has also worked in a running unit and marketing of these products. The promoter has trading experience and he is a technological & marketing conversant.
Market Survey: There is a lot of development opportunity for such products in the baking industry. It’s also used in many auctions.
In the Indian market, there are already many businesses operating at full capacity, achieving high level of sales, in an area where demand is increasing rapidly.
Opportunity for the investor
1. Location: Gwalior
2. Annual sales target: 50 lack to 80 lack PA
3. Raw Material: Maida, Sugar, Yeast, Baking Powder, Flavor, Color.
4. Utilities
1) Power: 5 H.P.
2) Water: From Own Sources through Tube Well
5. Man-power: 5 to 10 Person
6. Cost of Project: 21.95062 Lacks
7. Means of Finance
i) DEBT Term Loan: 15.95062 lacks
8. Turnover: 50 lacks to 80 Lacks
Interested investors can talk to me on Merar for further project details.
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