Equity Investment for a Unique Automobile Product ROI Is 30%

Opportunity Snapshot

Investment Opportunity

Scope is for 10 million vehicles. Require startup capital of at least $75,000USD to start the industry with 30% equity share to the investers.


COOL COVERS can be used for the roof tops of cars, autos, jeeps and other vehicles so that the inside vehicle temperature gets reduced and the traveler feels comfortable to travel even in hot sun. If the product is used to AC vehicles the petrol/diesel efficiency increases (more mileage).

Hence, the scope is huge. Maximum pay back period is 5 years and R.O.I is >30% per year. Investors will get back their investment maximum in 3 to 4 years.

As the number of non-AC vehicles (Autos, jeeps and cars) in India are huge and in pilgrimage centers, travelling in the hot sun is very difficult. Giving comfort to the traveler is a GOOD BUSINESS IDEA. Any product that gives comfort is always successful. Cool Covers are not substitute for A.Cs still drivers and their passengers will feel comfortable to travel as heat radiation will not be there from top without cursing themselves.

The product will be sold through sales force, print media, TV ads.

The marketing plan includes appointment of C&As (by taking deposits) or SUPER STOCKISTS and DISTRICT WISE stockists. Sales will be made only against cash. Hence no risk. As advertisement is planned coupled with sales force work product movement is guarantted.

Planned to launch by January 2016. So that by the time of Summer the product will reach all planned markets.

The aim is to sell minimum 24000 COOL COVERS during the 1st year @INR 2000 in all over India and with minimum 20% growth per year in sales. The revenue will be for 1st 3 years will be US$ 8,00,000, 9,60,000 and 11,52,000. The NET PROFITS will be @ 30% US$ 2,40,000, 2,88,000 and 3,45,600.

One time investment is sufficient of US$ 120,000 further capital will be raised from internal sources itself through deposits, sales and other sources.

Funding is required to set up factory, office and other administrative set ups.

Competitive Advantage

This product is introduced for the first time in India. The competition is zero. Comfort is guaranteed to the traveler. Hence in SWOT analysis product scores with more in strengths and opportunities. Hence, product will be successful.

The advantage is sustainable because:
1. Cool covers will be a unique product in the market
2. We will be able to bring out the product with new advantages and new technology
3. Additional new products may be launched with same material or develop some new products
4. With the increase in urbanisation and increase in vehicles population the scope for the product will continue to grow

Rationale for the deal

1) There will be lot of subsides from the STATE AND CENTRAL GOVT's.
2) RAW MATERIAL is available plenty.
3) SIMPLE MACHINERY. Hence easy produce and meet the demands of the market.
4) Skilled workers are available so production will not be hampered. Required workers are industrial sewing machine workers, fitters and fixers.
4) The designer of the Cool Covers is having 35 years of EXPERIENCE in CONCEPT SELLING, UNIQUE AND 1st time in India products in Pharmaceuticals. Long hours of travel in hot Sun in Rayalaseema belt and the torture I underwent in travelling in NON A.C vehicles made me a promoter to design of an inexpensive alternative to AC to beat the heat
5) Return on Investment of >206% is guaranteed as the product is unique.in 3 years.

Use of financing

We are looking for funding in the amount of $1,20,,000 - 75,000 USD

First instalment is of $75,000 USD. It will be used for setting up of factory, office and for starting production, Start marketing the product and for initial working capital.

2nd instalment is of $45,000 USD. It will be needed after 6 months, for reaching newer markets, for enhancing production and working capital.

Opportunity for the investor

Low investment required: $75,000 - 120,000 USD

ROI is high even as per the project report.

30% equity in the company. If the investor is willing to work he can be a working partner.

As this is the first product of its kind, there is no competition. Hence establishing the product will be easy.

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