Opportunity Snapshot
- Country: Israel
- Industry: Education, Training
- Stage: Start-up
- Investment size: $100,000 / min. $10,000
Investment Opportunity
We have excellent math instructors and have divided lessons into 5 minute segments, easily accessible according to content label.
Either for homework help or preparation for Math exams such as the Bagrut or Psychometic exam, one could subscribe for 500 nis per year and have unlimited access to the explanations, seeing the face of the teacher and the board at all times.
There are 280,000 high school students in Israel. 140,000 students take a math bagrut each year. If we captured 2% of the market at 500 nis, we would gross 1.4 million nis. Ongoing marketing costs, software development costs and content development costs are estimated at 400,000 nis per year.
Capital is currently needed to complete product development and marketing. An investor could begin seeing a return on his investment very soon.
Competitive Advantage
Quality of instructor, organization, face-to face and board presentation, cost (average bagrut review class is 3,000 nis per year), quality of graphics.
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