Opportunity Snapshot
- Country: South Africa
- Industry: Education, Training
- Stage: Start-up
- Investment size: $50,000 / min. $10,000
- Type of investment: Debt
Investment Opportunity
Investor is needed to purchase a franchise of Kip Mcgrath Education centre which offers specialist tutoring services for Mathematics, Language and reading.
Courses are provided for Pre-school, Primary School, Secondary School children as well as Tertiary Study Programs.
Every child, teenager and adult has the right to reach their full learning potential. Kip McGrath Education Centres specialty learning programs are designed to help everyone shine: from pre-schoolers to university students.
The education system in South Africa has left huge deficiencies with new entrants to the job market. The language and reasoning abilities of these young people leaves much to be desired. Having worked for over 12 years in the corporate environment, training and mentoring such individuals, I’ve witnessed first hand how the negative effects of our schooling system has affected their chances for growth and advancement.
My experiences have made me passionate about helping school children and young adults better these skills to enable them to firstly, finish high school with a university entrance mark and secondly attain gainful employment without the impediments of the current reality.
My dream is to purchase a Kip Mcgrath Education centre. These centres’ offers specialist tutoring services for Mathematics, Language and reading for Pre-school, Primary School, Secondary School children as well as Tertiary Study Programs. In addition they have Extension Programs which includes advanced Mathematics, study skills as well as learning English as a second language, which is highly relevant and sort after in our multi-lingual society. In this way I will be helping combat illiteracy in South Africa.
Competitive Advantage
Professional and affordable tutoring programs at more than 650 centres operating in 20 countries around the world, since 1974. No other competitor in South Africa has that track record. Competitors; Teachme2, Penguin tutoring, Brightsparkz, Gemi tutoring, Mastermaths.
Rationale for the deal
The Annual National Assessment (ANA) results for 2011 confirms this. The assessment includes numeracy and literacy tests conducted among six million foundation phase (Grades 1 to 3) and intermediate phase (Grades 4 to 6) pupils attending government schools.
The ANA results showed that nationally, Grade 3 learners performed at an average of 35 percent in Literacy and 28 percent in Numeracy, while the provincial performance stands between 19 percent and 43 percent, with the highest being the Western Cape. In Grade 6, the national average performance in Languages is 28 percent, while Mathematics performance is 30 percent, and the provincial percent in the two areas ranges between 20 percent and 41 percent.
There is therefore, a definite need for this type of service.
Use of financing
Item Amount Purpose
1 Franchise Fee R127 000 Includes a furniture pack and learning material.
2 Training R13 000 Training is free, however, it takes place in Durban. This money would be used for Flights and accommodation.
3 Furniture R50 000 The furniture pack included in the franchise fee, only takes the needs of the learners into account. It does not include computers (which is needed as part of the learning) as well as general office furniture such as printers, fax machines, telephones, desks and chairs for staff.
4 Renovations R200 000 To prepare space and convert it into a ‘school’ environment.
5 Running costs R60 000 Running costs for approximately 3 ½ months, until we get the number of students required to make a profit.
TOTAL R450 000
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