Opportunity Snapshot
- Country: USA
- Industry: Manufacturing
- Stage: Start-up
- Investment size: $350,000 / min. $100,000
- Type of investment: Debt
Investment Opportunity
A line of products that draws inspiration from the many traditional applications of eastern ayurvedic herbs and western herbs and integrates with new technologies.
We have developed a line of products that draws inspiration from the many traditional applications of these plants and integrates with new technologies and advancements in chemistry. Market ready.
Our company located in the Pacific North West fills the void between Eastern ancient medicine and innovative Western biotechnology to bring you a luxury line of natural products and helps you find the right balance to live a better life.
Beauty products should be as much about what they do on the inside as on the outside so we fused scientific advances with ancient healing practices. Treatments include ingredients such as Vetiver of course, Indian Spikenard, lavender, sandalwood, rose, peppermint and many others, each formulated to balance both body, mind and the place we all live in, Earth.
We thought about everything, your face, hair and body, your physical and mental health, even your house will become a better place to live in. A complete line of eco-friendly products blended with precious plants and spices, Our Company brings a holistic approach to lotions, oil and many diverse products for your everyday life.
Our company is of the believed that skin care should be functional yet simple and most of all not harmful to ourselves neither to the Earth.
Best of all? The line will be adaptable, working with all skin types and ethnicity to bring excellence of performance to every skin care regimen, for women, men and kids. Plus, only the purest ingredients will be used so you never have to worry about harsh chemicals or fillers.
The company’s therapeutic and aromatic qualities have been seamlessly incorporated into each of our products to promote an overall feeling of well-being. Additional customary herbs and spices employed in Eastern traditions, have been fused into our product assortment, to work synergistically with the Vetiver root oil. They include: Haritaki, Shikakai, Reetha, Aswagandha, Bibhitaki, Amla, Indian spikenard, Tumeric. These ingredients possess medicinal qualities in the treatment of a host of internal and external ailments related to hair, skin and other health imbalances.
With our product selection ranging from facial cleansers and body creams to flavorful teas and natural household cleaning products, our line addresses a wide variety of common concerns. Our products are eco-friendly, gluten free, vegan-friendly, cruelty-free and contain NO: Parabens, Phthalates, Paraffin, Formaldehyde, SLS, Mineral Oil, Synthetic Fragrance, Petrolatum, Synthetic Color, DEA.
Competitive Advantage
There are various personal care and therapeutic products on the market which claims to be natural, no harsh chemical, etc. but do they really work, are they safe for the body and is the effects reversible.
Some of the ingredients used by many of our competitors are known carcinogen or the ingredients are derived from the use of a carcinogenic material. Our company closely examine all their ingredients and try to ensure that they are totally Eco certify.
The company has several other strong points to ensure project success.
• Experience of Management Team: A management team comprising of well qualified and experience people shall be employed to manage the company.
• Strong vision and commitment: The owner of the Company has a very strong commitment to the success of the business, and as such has a vision to transform the enterprise gradually into a giant successful enterprise.
Your support would be really appreciated.
Rationale for the deal
According to the latest market research from Lucintel, rising consumer incomes and changing lifestyles are driving the global beauty care products industry, which is forecasted to reach around $265 billion and the personal care industry around $630 billion by 2017. Lucintel further highlights skincare as the largest segment with huge growth potential by 2017, where the second segment, hair care is reported as following closely behind.
The driver to this reality is simply because society is presently in a bubble where they like to look good, smell good and feel good and one don’t anticipate that changing soon.
Today’s society by its sophisticated nature and its environment, is a very busy and pampering society. They are willing to spend lots of money for items that are innovative, simple and can improve their well-being and uplift their spirit.
The owner of the business has been researching the industry for about three (3) years before investing in the manufacturing of personal care and therapeutic products. The company employed qualified chemists to help with the formulation of over 100 possible products.
Research shown that there is a huge market for the natural earthy, organic healthy personal care and therapeutic products not only in the USA & Canada but worldwide. The company plan on selling some of its products on Amazon.com so have enlisted support to investigate such a possibility.
Use of financing
Some information to note Product formulation, Research & Development are completed with the initial cost of $60,000 already spent. Raw materials including 100 tons of vetiver and 25 tons of Indian spikenard purchased and in storage.
Legal & business registration completed at around $1,000.
Website completed and running at a cost of $5000.00
The investment required to push this product to market in short order will be approximately $350,000.00. How did we arrive at this figure? The budget can be separated into three main areas:
1. Manufacturing Machinery & Equipment
2. Rental property and Kiosks
3. Marketing & Working capital
Manufacturing Machinery & Equipment
Include mixing equipment, fillers, labeling & packaging equipment, distillation equipment, and etc. $150,000.00
Rental property & Kiosks
Manufacturing location in the Portland Oregon area already have been looked at but at this time no commitment has been made until funding are fully secured. We are looking at a five-year lease with option to renew. Monthly rental cost is around $8000.00. Kiosk rental for all three locations are around $9000.00. $102,000.00 would be allocated for six months which represent funding for rental manufacturing property and kiosks.
Marketing and working Capital
Marketing is a critical part of the project as we have to effectively get the word out to the rest of the world. To this end initially we will be commissioning a beta sales run by renting kiosks in three upscale malls namely in Portland Oregon, Seattle Washington and San Francisco California which will give us the opportunity to distribute, develop name recognition and to point customers to our website which is presently up and running with only populating of products left to be done. A marketing and working capital budget of $98,000.00 is a reasonable amount to see the job completed and to achieve the beta sales run and lodge product consciousness.
Opportunity for the investor
Our company is a next-generation Vetiver essential oil and value-added product developer that is transforming the way the world view the Vetiver plant while satisfying their appetite for earthly scent and balance in the Green economy so for the investor we offer the opportunity to get in on the ground floor with a production line that is going to help the planet and its occupants.
This is also a good opportunity for investors to enter the personal care and therapeutic business. We will be able to deliver cost effective & innovative product development and are confident that our products will pass FDA, TPD and all other regulatory inspections.
We offer investors to join an experienced technical team that can run and expand the business, and thus pay back all capital input at profit.
We are all about nature and mind-body balance!
Our company aim to make earth-friendly and 100% natural products. We will offer some of the purest and eco-friendliest beauty/health care products available all around the world. All of our formulations are hand-crafted in the Pacific North West using only the finest quality botanicals.
We want to preserve the delicate balance that harmonizes Earth, our body, and our mind. We will empower consumers by providing them the knowledge to make the best decisions for their own well-being while respecting planet Earth.
Mind-body balance harmonizing with the Earth is our philosophy.
We are looking for investment in the form of a loan of US$350,000.00 to finance part of the fixed assets and working capital while the Proprietor have already invested over $70,000 for all lab development, marketing and product development. The loan will have a term of five years with a one-year moratorium and an interest rate to be discussed with the investor.
With the proposed investment, Sales revenue is expected to reach US$470,250.00 in the first year and beyond in constant dollar terms. The company will also improve its profitability; net profit after interest & taxes in the second year is expected to be US$140,000.00 and US$4,362,873.00 in the fourth year of operation in constant dollar terms.
Net Cash flow in the first year of operation is expected to be US$988,514.00 and US$778,328.00 in the fourth year. The improved performance of the enterprise is reflected in a net profit before interest and taxes projected to range from 3.8% in the second year to over 22.7% by the fourth year and beyond.
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