Opportunity Snapshot
- Country:
- Industry: Marketing, Communications, Media
- Stage: Initial growth (first revenues)
- Years in operations: 2, Employees: 5
- Investment size: $5,000,000 / min. $700,000
- ROI: 25% in 4 years
- Type of investment: Debt, Equity
Investment Opportunity
An established media company is seeking expansion wordlwide with the need to create an online business like Netflix with potential of a 500 m turnover eventually.
The demand for Film and TV watching is a Global Demand. Markets throughout Europe, Southeast Asia, India and China are demanding more and more projects for their viewing population. We are offering to create projects for these markets and the balance of viewers throughout the Global Market.
We are Universal Entertainment Channel (UEC). Our goal is to establish a Streaming Channel through the Internet or Internet machinery such as ROKU and Internet connected TV. UEC will not only be buying existing Libraries of films to Stream but will also be producing new modern Film for Streaming. Some of these films will be produced in the Markets that they will be viewed such as Southeast Asia, India and others.
Rationale for the deal
UEC will be paid for its film through the Monthly Subscription Payment of $5.00 USD by Global Subscribers. This will give Subscribers a monthly opportunity to watch and stream as many films as they wish. It will also give UEC funds to create new projects and maintain its operational and marketing arms.
The concept is to create a new delivery and production system for the Global Market. We are creating a new organization that will be streaming on the Global Internet Movies and TV projects. This Global Market will be creation of a Universal Subscriber Movie/TV Internet Channel to stream product on the UNIVERSAL ENTERTAINMENT CHANNEL (UEC) in the worldwide market.
Use of financing
At this time we are looking for a hundred million dollar ( $100,000,000) investment in order to establish the company, buy existing library, begin production of new projects, set up international servers, marketing of the new streaming channel.
Estimated figures of Subscription should grow at 20,000,000 a year. Estimated returns in this first year should be $1,200,000,000.00, while estimated Expenses should be $81,000,000 or an ROI of 675%.
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