Opportunity Snapshot
- Country:
- Industry: Waste Management
- Stage: Seed
- Investment size: $25,000,000 / min. $10,000,000
- Type of investment: Debt
Investment Opportunity
Our Solution: Water Desalinization using eco-friendly Reverse Osmosis technology, Water treatment, Water Bottling, Management and Service of facilities.
We are a project development and management team. We are in the business of joining the need for water desalinization, water supply, wastewater treatment, hazardous waste disposal, recycling, bottling and more, with our international team of the finest designers, builders and construction companies in this field. We use systems that are reverse osmosis-based using interactive components ease of interface and limitless potential expansion!
The plants are designed to allow for future expansion and provide a complete back up system. Steam and pressure in all processes are recycled to reclaim energy.
There are back up systems in place to handle all contingencies, whether it be natural disaster, oil spill or security concerns.
The complex consists of a variety of different plants:
• Power Plants
• Solid Waste processing plant
• Wastewater treatment plant
• Sea water desalinization plant
• Rainwater Harvest
We are modular based
• Our concept is to design the output of each unit to individual need
• One size does NOT fit all
• And, when it is time to expand output, all systems interface and expand
• Costs as little as ONE PENNY to produce FIVE GALLONS of clean water
Our Markets
• The use of Reverse Osmosis technology is expanding at the rate of 40% per year
• Developing nations need a cost effective way to provide clean water
• 80% of Asia has little or no access to clean water
• Expansion in Africa, Canada & Caribbean now
Competitive Advantage
Our Eco Complex is unique in design and size. It can be broken into five different sections and accommodate any size. We have designed the system of water desalinization and waste management to run on our own designed power source which is primarily solar.
We do design wind technology and also use that in addition to our solar power. In addition we offer a franchise water bottling facility that we design and build for the client which literally generates a revenue base to offset the cost of the project.
Rationale for the deal
The rationale of the deal is simple. Water desalinization is something that is required worldwide and it will never stop being required. This is literally is more valuable than gold and oil combined.
There is not enough companies in the world right now to keep up with the need for clean water. Our Project management team is ready and able to perform the task to turn this Eco Complex into a project that will be in demand for many years to come.
Use of financing
To formulate the 3-D renderings, 2-D sketches, engineering marketing company and to engage with various Governments that have serious Interest. In addition there is a very large contract pending in Dubai to be discussed in confidence with an Interested Investor.
We are looking at obtaining our first contract in 5-8 months. A five year performance statement is readily available.
Opportunity for the investor
The major opportunity for any Investor is the simple fact that the revenue in profit on any size project has been estimated between 16-23%. This does not include the numbers for the parts and service, retrofitting, replacement of old systems, Franchise profits from the water bottling facility.
We are also going to include water harvesting systems in the commercial market. The revenue stream for any investor would be endless and large. An equity Investment would be the most lucrative to any Investor and the size of the investment would determine the negotiated percentage.
Right now we are willing to offer a 49% percentage for the maximum 35 million dollar investment.
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