Merar Welcomes Investment and M&A Advisers Aboard

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Merar Welcomes Investment and M&A Advisers Aboard

As we often say, Merar’s aim is bringing the best of the investment world online. Since intermediaries traditionally play an important role in the investment playground, we are now launching a personalized service for professional brokers and consultants to better cater for their needs and involve them more actively in our network.

An Adviser role is introduced on Merar in addition to the roles of an Entrepreneur and Investor. Advisers could be investment brokers and consultants, M&A advisers, VC&PE experts or other individuals who are professionally engaged and with proven track record in mediation between entrepreneurs/businesses and investors. What is different for Advisers on Merar is that they can apply for a special membership granting them full access and unlimited communication to all investment projects and offers from investors on Merar coming from particular territories.

What does this mean for entrepreneurs and investors? Simply said, it means greater chances to find the right business partner. The active involvement of intermediaries on the platform may lead them to investors or investment opportunities beyond the virtual community. Furthermore, advisers may provide them with valuable and needed professional advice on their business needs and opportunities.

When contacted by an Adviser, entrepreneurs and investors will receive an email and on site notification. The adviser and the recipient will automatically get access to each other’s contact details without any additional confirmations or payments. The latter is in line with the new terms for the contact establishment on Merar.

To guarantee high quality of the Advisers’ community, the Merar team personally contacts every Adviser on the network and validates the information provided.If you are an intermediary interested in our new service, please refer to the ‘How it works?’ section to find out more about it or contact us at

Image courtesy: reynermedia, 2012, Flickr CC. 


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